Hi! I have checked the swedish booksites www.adlibris.se and www.bokus.se. They dont deliver outside the northern countrys from what i can see. If your up to it we can make a trade...? The book costs whith shipping aprox 23-25£. You can send me a cool fabric or wallpaper and i will send you a copy of that book? Send med an email if your interested... nastet@hotmail.com
Hi! I have checked the swedish booksites www.adlibris.se and www.bokus.se. They dont deliver outside the northern countrys from what i can see.
If your up to it we can make a trade...? The book costs whith shipping aprox 23-25£. You can send me a cool fabric or wallpaper and i will send you a copy of that book? Send med an email if your interested...
Greetings Lotten
Very nice!
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